

Suhhyue Lee


According to Resource Dependence theory, an organization’s behavior and strategy is affected by external resources. An organization has diverse resources interacting with environment. Because organization cannot focus on all those resources, it concentrates on its critical resources. In market environment, firm responds to other firms by controlling their internal critical resources or manages interdependency with environment to get market share. Thus Firm should choose best behavior and strategy when internal and external resources are change. When new brand enters, incumbents might change their strategy to protect their market share depending on critical value. More precisely, incumbents sharing market with entrant respond, but incumbents having competitive internal resources do not. In this article, we study incumbent"s responses to a new brand entry and long-term effect. We show that how incumbents change their price strategy in reaction to the new brand’ entry and also show these responses vary depending on interdependency of internal resources and external environments and ownership.

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