
Information for Authors

  • Editorial Policy
  • Copyright
  • Licensing
  • Review Process
  • Review Criteria
  • Submission Guidelines
  • Editorial Policy

    Submissions cannot have been previously published, forthcoming in another publication, or under consideration in another publication.

    AMJ is a double-blind refereed journal for which all manuscripts are reviewed by two expert reviewers from Editorial Review Board members and ad hoc reviewers. Authors should not include any information indicating their identities in the body of text.

    The AMJ is an open access journal, therefore, the articles will be freely available to everyone, including those who don’t subscribe to AMJ. To cover the cost of publishing, authors pay an article submission and publication fee. See fees in the page of submission guideline.

    AMJ is a quarterly journal. Publication will be made on the last day of April, July, October, and January.

    Copyright to all published AMJ articles lies with the Korean Marketing Association (KMA), and all authors should agree to the copyright transfer during the submission process.


    Asia Marketing Journal (AMJ) published by Korean Marketing Association (KMA) is an open access journal. All articles are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). This license permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction provided that the authors, citation details and publisher are clearly identified. For any reuse or distribution, make clear that the article is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY).

    Review Process

    AMJ operates a double-blind review process. All submitted papers will be initially evaluated by the chief editor for suitability for AMJ based on the review criteria (link to the “review criteria” in next page). Papers outside the review criteria will receive a desk-reject notification from the editor.along with the editor’s letter.

    Papers that are in-scope will be sent to an associate editor. The Associate Editor nominates two independent knowledgeable and qualified reviewers from our editorial review board members and ad-hoc reviewers.

    The AMJ is committed to providing authors with constructive reviews and with a quick decision (either revise or reject). Authors will receive the reviews of the first round in 21 days. We will make a final decision on papers after the second round review. Editorial office will work hard to ensure manuscript turnaround in fewer than 50 days. Authors will be asked to revise and resubmit their papers going to the second round within two weeks.

    Please note the timetable of our review process as follows:

    April Issue Submission Deadline: March 10
    Final decision April 25

    October Issue Submission Deadline: September 10
    Final decision October 25

    July Issue Submission Deadline: June 10
    Final decision July 25

    January Issue Submission Deadline: December 10
    Final decision January 25

    Upon acceptance, the editorial office sends authors the final checklist for publication.

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    Review Criteria

    Manuscripts submitted for publication consideration in AMJ should meet the following criteria:

    1. Focus on a significant issue in marketing
    2. Present conceptual rigor
    3. Provide methodological rigor, if an empirical paper
    4. Offer practical and managerial implications advancing marketing in Asia
    5. Be clear in presentation

    Submission Guidelines

    1. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via our system at: https://www.editorialmanager.com/amjrnl/default.aspx.
    2. Proofreading: It is important that you proofread your manuscript before submission. We recommend that you hire a copy editor.
    3. Plagiarism Checking: Upon submission, plagiarism will be checked through Crossref’s Similarity Check Service. AMJ accepts manuscripts with text similarity <= 15%. Similarity > 15% is considered as high percentage of plagiarism.
    4. Submission types:
      Please choose a category for your paper. Pick the category which most closely describes your paper. We understand that some papers can fit into more than one category, but it is necessary to assign your paper to one of the following categories:
      • Research Paper: This category covers papers which report on any type of research undertaken by the author(s). The research may involve the construction or testing of a model or framework, action research, testing of data, market research or surveys, empirical, scientific or clinical research.
      • Research Note: Any paper in which the content is dependent on the author’s opinion and interpretation are included in this category; this may not have full scale data analysis, testing hypothesis or concrete research model; this also includes literature reviews and journalistic pieces.
      • Case study: Case studies describe actual interventions or experiences within organizations. They may well be subjective and will not generally report on research. A description of a legal case or a hypothetical case study used as a teaching exercise would also fit into this category.
    5. Submission Checklist:
      A. Cover page includes a) title, b) abstract, c) keywords, d) name, affiliation, address, phone number, and email address for each author, and e) funding information or acknowledgement
      B. Any information identifying the author should be removed from the body of the paper.
      C. Title should not exceed 25 words.
      D. Abstract should not exceed 150 words and summarize the key elements of the manuscript.
      E. Manuscript should have page number.
      F. Font size: 11 or 12 points; Margin: 1 inch
      G. 1.5-spacing for the main text
      H. Table and Figures should be placed within the text.
      I. Articles published in AMJ use American Marketing Association Journals reference style.
      J. Funding information: Any funding information and conflict of interest should be disclosed.
      K. All authors should declare any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately bias their work.
      L. It is recommended to use the following formats for submission: Cover page template & Paper template.
      M. Copyright transfer agreement form.
    6. Authorship: All authors whose names appear on the manuscript made substantial contributions to conception or design of the work, or data collection, or data analysis, or interpretation of the data.
      Changes of authorship: Authors are expected to list and order authors before submission. After submission, any addition or deletion or rearangement of author names could be made if approved by the journal Editor. To request change, the corresponding author should send the reason for changes and written formation from all authors agreeing with the changes.
    7. The authors of accepted papers are required to submit the highlights. They consist of three-five bullet points that present the significant results of the research as well as novel implications for marketers and academics. Here is the highlights example.
    8. Fees: The authors are required to pay the publication fee after their manuscript has been accepted for publication.
    • Publication fee of KW 900,000 ($800)
    • Publication fee for the paper with funding acknowledgement of KW 1,000,000 ($900)
    • Bank Account: Woori Bank 1002-364-047162 (under name of: Jae Won Yoo)
    • The receipt of fee(s) may be issued upon request to
      - Email:
      - Address: (06978) 523 Soongduk Biz and Econ Bldg, Soongsil University, # 369 Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea